

Restaurant review by Tsukasa Nishio
This restaurant is located in Keikyu Shopping Plaza Wing Takanawa West-2 3F. It's near Shinagawa Station. This cheain restaurant is also in Aoyama and Roppongi and there are 9 restaurant in Osaka and Tokyo.
At this restaurant can enjoy churrasco, which is Brazilian traditional BBQ. This restaurant is the buffet style with a 2 hour limit. The price is 3600 yen at lunch time (from 11:00-15:00), 5400 yen at dinner time (17:30-23:00). You can drink wine and beer if you pay an additional charge it's 3200 yen at dinnertime.

It is a little expensive for students. but I think that it is a good restaurant to go on special days. If you want to spend a happy time in a slow atmosphere with your special person, go to visit this restaurant.

Address: Keikyu Shopping Plaza Wing Takanawa West-2 3F, Minato-ku, Yokyo
Access: Shinagawa (than JR Yamanote Line )/ Takanawa exit a 1-minute walk
Hours: 11:00-15:00, 17:30-23:00
Phone: 03-5447-5229
URL: http://barbacoa.jp/takanawa/


American Sniper
The movie is an American history movie. The movie tells about a man who was distressed by the war in Iraq. The war began in 2003 and ended in 2011. The man’s name is Christopher Scott Kyle. He is a sniper in the Navy Seals. He is the most famous sniper in the U.S.A. But he is mind changed little by little by ingeneiny kill troops of enemy in Iraq. His family also changed their mind. They had to undergo distress of war, and they know to importance of  human relationships especially family.

The directer is Clint Eastwood. He is famous in the world. His popular movies are Gran Torino and  Flags of Our Fathers. He is good at producing war movies. The main actor is Bradley Charles Coope. He increased muscles for the position who played it. Because he increased muscles, a feeling of rial is given to the position of the movie. This movie was the best box office as a war movie in the U.S.A .

When I watched this movie, I could came to realize again how much gratitude my parents deserved, and I was awre that they are cares about me. I think I have to cherish my family. I could learn about relationships of family and friends a little from this movie.